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Meet the Henstocks

Meet real CEWE customers Lucy and Wes, along with their sons Hudson and Alfie.

Capture family memories in a CEWE PHOTOBOOK

With two young children, photographer Lucy and business owner Wes love creating memories with their family. They create several photo books throughout the year, showcasing different themes. From Father’s Day, Christmas, special holidays, to the ultimate memento - the yearbook.

A Christmas gift full of memories

For Wes and Lucy, their family trip to New York City was a return “home” to where their story began. Using the images Lucy took on the trip, Wes created a CEWE PHOTOBOOK full of special memories for her Christmas gift.

Wes shares their photo book printed in breath-taking quality, sparking instant and long-lasting joy. Discover how you can place the most memorable gift under this year’s Christmas tree and give your loved ones a timeless gift to treasure, just like Wes.


It’s everything to have this book of our first trip, it’s amazing. I feel really happy that he took the time to do that for me.

Lucy Warner

Your most captivating moments in a CEWE PHOTOBOOK

Every year is special. Your life experiences are worth preserving in a CEWE PHOTOBOOK. Remember all those happy events from the past year and fill your photo book with both big and small moments.

Create a yearbook: a precious family keepsake to treasure

Lucy and Wes capture their family’s best times and adventures they have had together. These personalised photo books are such special gifts to give to each other and to family members, as they all get to look back on treasured memories as a family and relive some of those amazing moments.

2022 was a jam-packed year for the Henstocks and their extended family, with Lucy's grandmother's 95th birthday, pre-school graduations, Easter egg hunts and outdoor adventures in forests and wildlife parks. They celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee, picnicked in the sunshine and took a very special trip “home” to New York City.

This year, the number one moment would be my grandmother’s 95th birthday and for the kids to meet her.

Lucy Warner

Create a yearbook and enjoy!

Capture your special family moments from the year and create a special memento, just like Lucy did with her CEWE PHOTOBOOK.

Every year, the Henstocks capture special memories and family adventures in their photo books - and 2022 was no different.

Showcase your family photos in a CEWE PHOTOBOOK and preserve your precious memories for years to come.

What our customers think about us

New York, new memories

The Henstocks' connection with New York is still strong. Their eldest child was named after the Hudson River and both sons have godparents in the city. So, a family trip back there felt like returning ‘home’.

Lucy said, “Everyone thought we were crazy for travelling with a three-year-old and a five-year-old. But we needed to show them our story.” The trip was an opportunity to retrace their own footsteps, said Wes.