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Video Tutorials For CEWE PHOTOBOOK

If you need some guidance whilst making your CEWE PHOTOBOOK, our video tutorials are here to help.

How to Make a Photo Book

Learn how to make your own photo book. Browse the videos below to find the advice you need to create your book. Simply select a video and press play for our top tips.

How to Create Your First CEWE PHOTOBOOK

This video will show you all you need to know when creating your first CEWE PHOTOBOOK! From adding a background, importing your photos and adding text to your book, here’s your guide to creating your first masterpiece.

How to Create a CEWE PHOTOBOOK Using the Assistant

Our simplest way to create! Let us walk you through using the Assistant tool to quickly and easily build your own CEWE PHOTOBOOK. We’ll show you how to import photos, choose a layout style and add and remove pages.

How to Add a Background to Your CEWE PHOTOBOOK

We’ll show you how to select a background design from the software to match your book, set different backgrounds for different pages, and apply a background throughout the whole book.

How to Access Your Photos Via the CEWE Creator Software

Learn how to access and import your photos through the Creator Software. Here, we’ll show you how to add photos from your device or computer as well as connecting your social media accounts.

How to Add a Video to Your CEWE PHOTOBOOK

Find out how to add a video to your CEWE PHOTOBOOK so you can relive those extra special memories time and time again.

How to Set an Image as a Background in Your CEWE PHOTOBOOK

Let us show you how to set an image as a background in your CEWE PHOTOBOOK using our Creator Software.

A Guide to CEWE PHOTOBOOK Cover and Paper Types

If you’re unsure which cover and paper types to choose for your CEWE PHOTOBOOK, our handy guide video will show you the way! Compare the difference between classic, matte and gloss papers plus hard, soft or linen covers to find your perfect match.

How to Change the Size, Cover or Paper Type of your CEWE PHOTOBOOK

If you’ve started creating your CEWE PHOTOBOOK but want to make a change midway through the process, we’ll show you how. You can easily change the size, cover and paper type of your book without affecting its design.

How to Use CEWE’s PDF to Book Solution

You can use our PDF to Book solution to create your own bespoke design in InDesign which can then be imported to your CEWE PHOTOBOOK. We’ll guide you through the steps of downloading a template, uploading your finished files and completing your book.

How to Use Further Design Features in the CEWE Creator Software

If you’re up to speed with the Creator Software and want to go that extra mile to create your perfect design, this video is for you. We’ll show you how to download and customise additional design elements such as clip art and frames, as well as how to use positioning tools to ensure precision in your design.

Video Tutorials

Created by our expert team, they cover a range of topics, from designing your first ever book, to customising its pages with clip art, and much more besides. Bringing your photographs to life in a beautiful book can be simple and straightforward when you follow our tips.

Let us provide a helping hand as you create your photo book using our Creator Software, and together we’ll make a book you can be proud of!

Discover our free creator software