Photo Books Kids Will Love
Today’s post is just for kids. No adults allowed! We’ve got three great ideas for photo books that we think kids will love to make. Who says photo books are just for grown ups?!
You may need a helping hand when you’re making your CEWE PHOTOBOOK, so maybe keep a grown-up nearby just in case you need some help!
Your favourite things
This project is a great way to remember all your favourite people, places and things when YOU’RE a grown up. We know that might seem far away, but believe us, you’ll be really pleased you did this in a few years time!
Spend the weekend taking photos of everything you like most of all: your favourite food, games, friends, family, pets, where you live – absolutely everything you love.
Once you’ve taken lots of photos, use them to make a photo book of your favourite things. Then make sure you keep your photo book safe, and in a few years you can look back on all the things you loved when you were a kid.
We wish we could have done this when we were your age!
Your yearbook
Think of all the cool things that have happened this year. Maybe you had an awesome birthday party, went on a really fun holiday or started a great new school.
Remember your favourite bits of 2015 by making a yearbook. Choose your best photos from each month and add clip art, frames and backgrounds from our software to jazz up the pages.
You could even add quotes from your diary or messages from your friends so you always remember how special this year was.
Your colouring book
If colouring is one of your favourite hobbies, imagine how fun it would be to make your very own colouring book.
Ask an adult to help you to find some colouring templates to download online, then upload each design to our software to create your colouring book.
Here’s the most important bit: make sure you choose True Matte paper for your colouring book. This paper is smooth and not shiny – just like the paper in a colouring book you’d get from the shop. It’s much easier to use colouring pencils on paper that isn’t shiny.