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Eight creative kids photo shoot ideas for gorgeous images

3rd March 2025

From baby to toddler to child in a flash, little ones grow up so fast. Capturing each stage on camera will give you photographs that you can treasure forever, but sometimes it can be tricky to get them to sit still long enough to take a photo!

By being prepared and having a few creative ideas to hand, you can make the photo shoot fun for everyone and get beautiful results.

Jump to:
1. Try a Seasonal Theme
2. Use Their Favourite Toys
3. Get Pets Involved
4. Blow up Balloons
5. Put on Fancy Dress
6. Make Their Favourite Food
7. Blow Bubbles
8. Introduce Play and Hobbies

Preparing for your photo shoot

Although your little ones will have to do minimal preparation ahead of the photo shoot, it’s useful for you to get ahead by taking a few steps.

Get them in the mood

Taking photos at home will also give you much more natural, laid-back pictures than you’d get in a studio. Having your photo shoot in an environment they’re familiar with will help them feel happy and relaxed. Being flexible with your plans will help you capture your children at their best. If they don’t fancy a photo shoot one day, come back when they’re feeling a bit brighter.

Let them take the lead

Don’t give your child too much direction to pose neatly or smile for the camera, as this will immediately make the results look awkward. Instead, let them take the lead on what they want to do and encourage them to try out ideas, especially when they’re older. This will help their personality shine through and the photos will be much more personal than posed portrait shots.

Don’t just focus on the face

Your child isn’t likely to look directly into the camera very often, which can make it frustrating if you’re trying to capture the traditional ‘portrait’ image. Instead, focus on your little one’s hands, feet and body movements. This will still capture their character while giving you more creative freedom.

Do indoor and outdoor shoots

If your little ones like exploring the outdoors, then getting them out and about is a great way of capturing them in a natural, happy mood. It also gives your final photo selection more variety in terms of lighting and back drops. Opt for slightly sunny or overcast mornings or afternoons so you don’t have to battle with the noon sunshine.

Creative photo shoot ideas for kids

Here are eight ideas for simple DIY sessions with your little ones.

1. Try a Seasonal Theme

Easter, Halloween and Christmas are all exciting times for children. Capture this in a seasonal shoot. Whether older children dress up in their favourite festive outfit or you pop them in a pumpkin costume, repeating the seasonal shoot every year will also create a nice theme for your photo collection.

2. Use Their Favourite Toys

Make your child more relaxed in front of the camera by photographing them with their favourite toy or teddy. In years to come, it will be nice to look back at the childhood friends that kept them company.

3. Get Pets Involved

Include four-legged friends in your photos to capture the special bond between your child and the family pet. Puppies and kittens grow up as quickly as children, so don’t miss out on taking pictures of all your little ones – including the furry ones!

4. Blow up Balloons

Balloons are cheap and easy to buy. They will make any photo instantly more colourful and add shape to the images. Combine a sunny day with brightly coloured balloons and you’ve got a perfectly summery or birthday-themed photo shoot. You could then use these pictures for future party invites or notecards to send to loved ones.

Girl with balloons

5. Put on Fancy Dress

You’ll have no trouble getting the kids interested in a photo shoot if you let them wear their favourite fancy dress. Whether dressing up as their favourite characters or raiding mum’s wardrobe, fancy dress always makes for a fun photo shoot.

6. Make Their Favourite Food

If you have a particularly camera-shy youngster, there’s one thing that’s sure to distract them and make them forget the camera: their favourite food! Capture them tucking into something tasty and they’ll be too happy to have their photo taken.

7. Blow Bubbles

Bubbles offer lots of fun for little money. Head outside so the natural light shines through the bubbles (and to save your home from getting covered in soapy liquid). Choose a calm day too so you can capture the bubbles before they blow away.

8. Introduce Play and Hobbies

Visit the playground to take photos of your little one having lots of swinging and climbing fun. Getting your camera out when your child is already enjoying playtime is a great way of capturing candid, smiley photos without setting up a shoot separately. These photos will give you a nice record of the things they loved doing when they were younger.

What to do with photos of your child

Perhaps most importantly, don’t let these lovely photographs stay hidden away on your phone or camera. Instead, create a photo book filled with your child’s milestones and best moments that you can bring and give them later as a timeless keepsake.

If you want to create something for your little one to flick through, consider a kids’ photo book, easy to wipe clean and specially designed to withstand any rough play or teething. Plus, busy parents can design their book in as little as ten minutes. Meaning you won’t miss out on precious time making even more special family memories.

Create your Family Photo Book

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